Monday, October 16, 2006


The blood test results came back today. Have been on Zocor (a simvastation) for around 2 months while continuing daily workouts; one 20 mg tablet each night. The objective was to reduce the LCL from 3.56 mmol/L to at least below 2.58mmol/L.
Looking at the results it seem to be working.
Total Cholesterol went down to 4.2 mmol/L from 5.4 mmol/L taken on 27/06/06
Triglyceride, the oil in blood down to 0.90 mmol/L from 1.06 mmol/L
Good HDL Cholesterol maintained at 1.32 mmol/L compared to 1.35 mmol/L
Bad LDL Cholesterol down from to 2.47 mmol/L from 3.56 mmol/L
Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio down to 3.2 from previous 4.0
Dr suggested that I continue with 400mg tablet daily since the response of my CK (cardiac enzymes) seems to be good; tested to be 206 U/L against (<301)

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