Sunday, July 16, 2006

Running is good and it is showing....

Just got back a medical report on my cholesterol levels.

Comparing the medical results of Jan 05 that was taken just before the Jakarta assignment
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Recommended) xxxx2006xxxx2005
Total Cholesterol {<5.2} 06- 5.4(",) / '05 - 5.6
HDL (the good one...) {>1.03 mmol/L} '06 - 1.35 (",)/ '05 - 1.19
LDL (the bad one.....) {<2.58 mmol/L} '06 - 3.56 /'05 - 4.0
Ratio of HDL/Total Chol. {<4.5} '06- 4.0 (",) / '05 - 4.7

All looks good except the LDL and although should not be a big issue Doctor CL suggested that I take Zocor (one of the statins) since there is a history of CHD. Will take Zocor for a month to see whether the bad LDL will go below the 2.58 mmol/L .

Did some research on Zocor.......which is a simvastatin and supposedly one of the 3 statins that are developed from a natural sources, not too sure exactly what is that but sure sound more comforting that of the Lipitol which is a synthetic based statin.
Will start taking tonight and probably go for another round of blood test on 16 August after the Haddyai trip

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